Friday, June 30, 2017
Lima PERU:
Exported Spanish Goods were 28.43% higher at Lima;
Lima Wholesale was 12% higher in Europe;
Buenaventura Factor higher; unknown.
From Eckfeldt's Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of All Nations (1842), taking the Spanish Piastre Ag Coin-Weight was 0.8583 Ozt. (~26.697 g , 412 Grains; .900) and the French Crown Ag Coin-Weight was 0.8583 Ozt. (~28.77 g, 444 Grains; .912), so:
S$ 1. = L.T. 5.4943 ; S$ 0.1820 ~ L.T. 1. ; 1 Ozt. Spanish Ag Coin (Piastre) = L.T. 6.4011
American State Papers of 1827 (ASSAYS OF FOREIGN COINS. Communicated to the Senate January 17, 1827) suggest the French Crown Ag Coin-Weight was 0.92917 Ozt. (~28.9 g, 446 Grains; .912) ∴ S$ 1. = L.T. 5.5095 ; S$ 0.1815 ~ L.T. 1.
The c.1785 "Propositions respecting the coinage of gold, silver, and copper." suggest the French Crown Ag Coin-Weight was ~0.9423 Ozt. (~29.31 g, 452 Grains; .912) ∴
S$ 1. = L.T. 5.4327 ; S$ 0.1841 ~ L.T. 1.
c.1782 Robert Morris' "Diplomatic Correspondence" suggests the French Crown Ag Coin-Weight was ~0.9468 Ozt. (~29.45 g, 454.5 Grains; .912) ∴
S$ 1. = L.T. 5.40 ; S$ 0.1852 ~ L.T. 1.
Where 1 Paris Marc Ag = 245.1907 Grams or 7.883 Ozt. @ L.T. 49.45,
so: 1 Ozt. Spanish Ag Coin (Piastre) = L.T. 6.2729
Any Discount, likely reflecting Circulated Coinage.
January, 1786:
March, 1786:
May, 1786:
June, 1786:
September, 1786:
October, 1786:
December, 1786:
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Austrian Money
Buda-Peste c.1834?: 1828?
3-Rubel = Fl. 4.70 (Austrian? So.German?)
1828-34: 1 Ozt. Platinum (SPb: Coined, Silver Rate) = Fl. 14.12
Citation: Allgemeine Weltkunde (1835) p.322
c.1834?: likely, dated sources
Citation: The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Vol. 1 (1839)
20-Gulden-Fuß where Fl. 20 = 7.51666667 Ozt (233.794464g.) Fine Silver
USA, c.1840/1
Late June, 1839:
Citation: Journal des oesterreichischen Lloyd's, IV, no.51 (1839)
Citation: Austria oder Oesterreichischer Universal-Kalender..., Vol. 1 (1840)
£ 1. (Au) = Fl. 9.5725
Fr. 20. = Fl. 7.5609
руб 5. = Fl. 7.8220
Fl. 1.00 (Au) = £ 0.2243 ; Fr. 2.5879; 0.6485 руб (Ag); S$ 0.4859
whereas Fl. 1.00 (Au) = 0.6495 руб (Pt) : a likely error, not -0.14% discount.
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