1 Friedrich d'Or (5-Thaler) = 0.902778 Ozt
1 Kg. Friedrich d'Or = 149.656 Coins
1 Kg. Friedrich d'Or in .999 Gold = 165.773 Coins
1 Kg. Francs (20 Francs, 155 Coins) = Fr. 3,100.
1 Kg. Francs (20 Francs in .999 Gold, 172.222 Coins) = Fr. 3,444.45
1867 US estimate, rounding error!
1868: £ 1. = $4.866744 (USD$ 6.80)
1868: £ 1. = $4.84 (USD$ 6.76)
1869: £ 1. = $4.8666 (USD$ 6.7987)
Par Value, USD Gold and British Sterling:
USA: Exchange on Gold Basis, required calculation on Gold to determine currency value!
$ 1. = Fr. 5.11875 = USD$ 1.415
Coin Thaler/USD$, 1868:
Paris: Fl.? 1. = Fr. 2.09
(Denzel, 2010)
Hamburg Average 1868 (2-Mo Bill) : ℳ 1. = Thlr 0.509; Thlr 1 = ℳ 1.9647
Where the Thaler (Coin) was commonly worth $ 0.75 and the Mark (Paper) $.30,
Thaler 1. = ℳ 2.50?
1868: ℳ 1. = Thlr 0.40 ; Thlr 1. = ℳ 2.50
February 1868 (Current): ℳ 1. = Thlr 0.508; Thlr 1 = ℳ 1.9672
February 1868 (Current): Thlr 1 = ℳ 1.9802; ℳ 1. = Thlr 0.505;
Frankfurt: Merchants Bills cost 1.1362% more.
(So. German) Fl. 1. = Fr. 2.1362
So. German Gold Coin Fl. 1. = French Gold Coin Fr. 2.1089
1 Kg. Krone (16.333 Crown, 90 Coins) = Fl. 1,469.985
1 Kg. Krone (16.333 Crown) in .999 Gold, 100 Coins) = Fl. 1,633.30
1848 Rouble: 277.4 English Troy grains, .868 Fine = 0.5016332
1868: 1 Troy Ounce Silver (Coin, Rouble) = Fl. 3.987 (Fl.C.M. 4.695, Fr. 9.863)
Citation: Verzeichniss der auserlesenen Münzen- und Medaillen-Sammlung weiland... Josef Bermann (1867)
1868: 1 Troy Ounce Silver (Coin, 8-Reales) = Fl. 9.65 (Fl.C.M. 11.36, Fr. 23.87)
Russia 1868:
1 руб Ag = 0.666533211 Ozt; ~0.578 Ozt Fine Ag
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